Hyundai Sonata Tire Sizes in Simple-to-Read Graphs

Tire width for different generations

Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

    • Min-max tire width: 205—235 mm
    • Min-max wheel diameter: R16—R18
    • Min-max sidewall height: 106—133 mm
    • Tire width difference from average: -1.9%
    • Average wheel height: 672 mm
    • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.2 mm / 1 hp
    • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
    • Load to 1 tire: 366 kg / 807 lbs
    • Power to 1 tire: 44 hp / 32 kW
    • Tiremain rating: 6 / 10

Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 215 mm;
    Car body width: 1859 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 12%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 423 mm;
    Tire height: 124 mm;
    Wheel height: 672 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 1.6 T-GDI — 1.3 mm per 1 hp (1.8 mm/kW)
  • 2.5 GDI — 1.1 mm per 1 hp (1.5 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 GDI — 1.4 mm per 1 hp (1.9 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    1.6 T-GDI 235 / 106 mm 669 mm
    (26.3 in)
    400 cc (0.4 L) 2102 mm
    (82.8 in)
    940 mm
    (37 in)
    2.5 GDI 205 / 133 mm 673 mm
    (26.5 in)
    624 cc (0.62 L) 2114 mm
    (83.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    2.0 GDI 205 / 133 mm 673 mm
    (26.5 in)
    500 cc (0.5 L) 2114 mm
    (83.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 1.6 T-GDI
    Tire width / profile height 235 / 106 mm
    Whole tire height 669 mm (26.3 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 400 cc (0.4 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2102 mm (82.8 in)
    Summary tire width 940 mm (37 in)
    Vehicle 2.5 GDI
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 673 mm (26.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 624 cc (0.62 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2114 mm (83.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 GDI
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 673 mm (26.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 500 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2114 mm (83.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 205—235 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R16—R18
      • Min-max sidewall height: 106—133 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: -1.9%
      • Average wheel height: 672 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.1 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 377 kg / 832 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 51 hp / 38 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 6 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 215 mm;
    Car body width: 1862 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 12%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 423 mm;
    Tire height: 124 mm;
    Wheel height: 672 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 2.4 GDi — 1.1 mm per 1 hp (1.5 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 GDi — 1 mm per 1 hp (1.3 mm/kW)
  • 1.6 GDi — 1.2 mm per 1 hp (1.6 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    2.4 GDi 205 / 133 mm 673 mm
    (26.5 in)
    590 cc (0.59 L) 2114 mm
    (83.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    2.0 GDi 235 / 106 mm 669 mm
    (26.3 in)
    500 cc (0.5 L) 2102 mm
    (82.8 in)
    940 mm
    (37 in)
    1.6 GDi 205 / 133 mm 673 mm
    (26.5 in)
    - 2114 mm
    (83.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.4 GDi
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 673 mm (26.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 590 cc (0.59 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2114 mm (83.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 GDi
    Tire width / profile height 235 / 106 mm
    Whole tire height 669 mm (26.3 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 500 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2102 mm (82.8 in)
    Summary tire width 940 mm (37 in)
    Vehicle 1.6 GDi
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 673 mm (26.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire -
    Tire circumferencee 2114 mm (83.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 205—225 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R16—R18
      • Min-max sidewall height: 101—133 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: -1.9%
      • Average wheel height: 668 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.1 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 383 kg / 844 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 48 hp / 35 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 6 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 215 mm;
    Car body width: 1863 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 12%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 427 mm;
    Tire height: 122 mm;
    Wheel height: 670 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 2.4 GDi — 1.1 mm per 1 hp (1.6 mm/kW)
  • 1.6 T-GDi Eco — 1.1 mm per 1 hp (1.6 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 T-GDi — 0.9 mm per 1 hp (1.2 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 GDi — 1.4 mm per 1 hp (1.9 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    2.4 GDi 215 / 118 mm 668 mm
    (26.3 in)
    590 cc (0.59 L) 2099 mm
    (82.6 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    1.6 T-GDi Eco 205 / 133 mm 673 mm
    (26.5 in)
    398 cc (0.4 L) 2114 mm
    (83.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    2.0 T-GDi 225 / 101 mm 660 mm
    (26 in)
    500 cc (0.5 L) 2073 mm
    (81.6 in)
    900 mm
    (35.4 in)
    2.0 GDi 215 / 118 mm 668 mm
    (26.3 in)
    500 cc (0.5 L) 2099 mm
    (82.6 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 2.4 GDi
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 118 mm
    Whole tire height 668 mm (26.3 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 590 cc (0.59 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2099 mm (82.6 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 1.6 T-GDi Eco
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 673 mm (26.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 398 cc (0.4 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2114 mm (83.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 T-GDi
    Tire width / profile height 225 / 101 mm
    Whole tire height 660 mm (26 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 500 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2073 mm (81.6 in)
    Summary tire width 900 mm (35.4 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 GDi
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 118 mm
    Whole tire height 668 mm (26.3 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 500 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2099 mm (82.6 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 205—225 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R16—R18
      • Min-max sidewall height: 101—133 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: -0.9%
      • Average wheel height: 669 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.1 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 375 kg / 826 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 50 hp / 37 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 6 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 214 mm;
    Car body width: 1855 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 12%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 426 mm;
    Tire height: 122 mm;
    Wheel height: 670 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 2.0 — 1.2 mm per 1 hp (1.7 mm/kW)
  • 2.4 — 1.2 mm per 1 hp (1.7 mm/kW)
  • 2.4 GDI — 1.1 mm per 1 hp (1.5 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 Turbo GDI — 0.8 mm per 1 hp (1.1 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    2.0 205 / 133 mm 673 mm
    (26.5 in)
    500 cc (0.5 L) 2114 mm
    (83.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    2.4 205 / 133 mm 673 mm
    (26.5 in)
    590 cc (0.59 L) 2114 mm
    (83.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    2.4 GDI 215 / 118 mm 668 mm
    (26.3 in)
    590 cc (0.59 L) 2099 mm
    (82.6 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    2.0 Turbo GDI 225 / 101 mm 660 mm
    (26 in)
    500 cc (0.5 L) 2073 mm
    (81.6 in)
    900 mm
    (35.4 in)
    Vehicle 2.0
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 673 mm (26.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 500 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2114 mm (83.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.4
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 673 mm (26.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 590 cc (0.59 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2114 mm (83.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.4 GDI
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 118 mm
    Whole tire height 668 mm (26.3 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 590 cc (0.59 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2099 mm (82.6 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 Turbo GDI
    Tire width / profile height 225 / 101 mm
    Whole tire height 660 mm (26 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 500 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2073 mm (81.6 in)
    Summary tire width 900 mm (35.4 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 205—215 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R16—R17
      • Min-max sidewall height: 118—129 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: -0.9%
      • Average wheel height: 662 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.1 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 386 kg / 852 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 47 hp / 35 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 6 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 214 mm;
    Car body width: 1850 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 12%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 423 mm;
    Tire height: 122 mm;
    Wheel height: 668 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 2.0 — 1.2 mm per 1 hp (1.7 mm/kW)
  • GLS 2.4 — 1.2 mm per 1 hp (1.7 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 CRDi — 1.4 mm per 1 hp (2 mm/kW)
  • 3.3 V6 — 0.9 mm per 1 hp (1.2 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    2.0 205 / 123 mm 652 mm
    (25.7 in)
    500 cc (0.5 L) 2048 mm
    (80.6 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    GLS 2.4 215 / 129 mm 664 mm
    (26.1 in)
    590 cc (0.59 L) 2086 mm
    (82.1 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    2.0 CRDi 215 / 129 mm 664 mm
    (26.1 in)
    498 cc (0.5 L) 2086 mm
    (82.1 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    3.3 V6 215 / 118 mm 668 mm
    (26.3 in)
    836 cc (0.84 L) 2099 mm
    (82.6 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 2.0
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 123 mm
    Whole tire height 652 mm (25.7 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 500 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2048 mm (80.6 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle GLS 2.4
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 129 mm
    Whole tire height 664 mm (26.1 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 590 cc (0.59 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2086 mm (82.1 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 CRDi
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 129 mm
    Whole tire height 664 mm (26.1 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 498 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2086 mm (82.1 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 3.3 V6
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 118 mm
    Whole tire height 668 mm (26.3 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 836 cc (0.84 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2099 mm (82.6 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 215 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R16
      • Min-max sidewall height: 129 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: -1.9%
      • Average wheel height: 664 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.3 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 381 kg / 841 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 41 hp / 30 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 6 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 214 mm;
    Car body width: 1844 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 12%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 419 mm;
    Tire height: 124 mm;
    Wheel height: 667 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 2.7i V6 — 1.3 mm per 1 hp (1.7 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 i 16V — 1.6 mm per 1 hp (2.1 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 CRDi 16V — 1.5 mm per 1 hp (2.1 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 VGT 16V — 1.5 mm per 1 hp (2 mm/kW)
  • 2.0i 16V — 1.5 mm per 1 hp (2 mm/kW)
  • 2.4i 16V — 1.3 mm per 1 hp (1.8 mm/kW)
  • 3.3i V6 24V — 0.9 mm per 1 hp (1.2 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    2.7i V6 215 / 129 mm 664 mm
    (26.1 in)
    664 cc (0.66 L) 2086 mm
    (82.1 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    2.0 i 16V 215 / 129 mm 664 mm
    (26.1 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 2086 mm
    (82.1 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    2.0 CRDi 16V 215 / 129 mm 664 mm
    (26.1 in)
    498 cc (0.5 L) 2086 mm
    (82.1 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    2.0 VGT 16V 215 / 129 mm 664 mm
    (26.1 in)
    498 cc (0.5 L) 2086 mm
    (82.1 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    2.0i 16V 215 / 129 mm 664 mm
    (26.1 in)
    500 cc (0.5 L) 2086 mm
    (82.1 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    2.4i 16V 215 / 129 mm 664 mm
    (26.1 in)
    590 cc (0.59 L) 2086 mm
    (82.1 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    3.3i V6 24V 215 / 129 mm 664 mm
    (26.1 in)
    836 cc (0.84 L) 2086 mm
    (82.1 in)
    860 mm
    (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 2.7i V6
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 129 mm
    Whole tire height 664 mm (26.1 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 664 cc (0.66 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2086 mm (82.1 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 i 16V
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 129 mm
    Whole tire height 664 mm (26.1 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2086 mm (82.1 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 CRDi 16V
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 129 mm
    Whole tire height 664 mm (26.1 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 498 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2086 mm (82.1 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 VGT 16V
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 129 mm
    Whole tire height 664 mm (26.1 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 498 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2086 mm (82.1 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 2.0i 16V
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 129 mm
    Whole tire height 664 mm (26.1 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 500 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2086 mm (82.1 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 2.4i 16V
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 129 mm
    Whole tire height 664 mm (26.1 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 590 cc (0.59 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2086 mm (82.1 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)
    Vehicle 3.3i V6 24V
    Tire width / profile height 215 / 129 mm
    Whole tire height 664 mm (26.1 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 836 cc (0.84 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2086 mm (82.1 in)
    Summary tire width 860 mm (33.9 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 205 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R15—R16
      • Min-max sidewall height: 123—133 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: +2.9%
      • Average wheel height: 649 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.4 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 364 kg / 803 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 37 hp / 27 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 6 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 213 mm;
    Car body width: 1840 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 12%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 413 mm;
    Tire height: 125 mm;
    Wheel height: 664 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 2.7 V6 GLS — 1.2 mm per 1 hp (1.6 mm/kW)
  • 1.8 — 1.6 mm per 1 hp (2.1 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 16V GLS — 1.6 mm per 1 hp (2.1 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 i — 1.6 mm per 1 hp (2.1 mm/kW)
  • 2.5 V6 — 1.2 mm per 1 hp (1.6 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    2.7 V6 GLS 205 / 133 mm 648 mm
    (25.5 in)
    664 cc (0.66 L) 2036 mm
    (80.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    1.8 205 / 133 mm 648 mm
    (25.5 in)
    449 cc (0.45 L) 2036 mm
    (80.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    2.0 16V GLS 205 / 133 mm 648 mm
    (25.5 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 2036 mm
    (80.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    2.0 i 205 / 133 mm 648 mm
    (25.5 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 2036 mm
    (80.2 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    2.5 V6 205 / 123 mm 652 mm
    (25.7 in)
    624 cc (0.62 L) 2048 mm
    (80.6 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.7 V6 GLS
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 648 mm (25.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 664 cc (0.66 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2036 mm (80.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 1.8
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 648 mm (25.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 449 cc (0.45 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2036 mm (80.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 16V GLS
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 648 mm (25.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2036 mm (80.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 i
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 133 mm
    Whole tire height 648 mm (25.5 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2036 mm (80.2 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.5 V6
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 123 mm
    Whole tire height 652 mm (25.7 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 624 cc (0.62 L)
    Tire circumferencee 2048 mm (80.6 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 195—205 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R14—R15
      • Min-max sidewall height: 123—137 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: +6%
      • Average wheel height: 628 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.3 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 339 kg / 748 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 38 hp / 28 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 4 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 211 mm;
    Car body width: 1837 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 11%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 406 mm;
    Tire height: 126 mm;
    Wheel height: 659 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 1.8 — 1.5 mm per 1 hp (2 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 — 1.3 mm per 1 hp (1.8 mm/kW)
  • 2.4 — 1.3 mm per 1 hp (1.8 mm/kW)
  • 2.5i V6 GLS — 1.3 mm per 1 hp (1.7 mm/kW)
  • 2.5 V6 — 1.3 mm per 1 hp (1.7 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    1.8 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    459 cc (0.46 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    2.0 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    2.4 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    588 cc (0.59 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    2.5i V6 GLS 205 / 123 mm 627 mm
    (24.7 in)
    624 cc (0.62 L) 1970 mm
    (77.6 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    2.5 V6 205 / 123 mm 627 mm
    (24.7 in)
    624 cc (0.62 L) 1970 mm
    (77.6 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 1.8
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 459 cc (0.46 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 2.0
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 2.4
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 588 cc (0.59 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 2.5i V6 GLS
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 123 mm
    Whole tire height 627 mm (24.7 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 624 cc (0.62 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1970 mm (77.6 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.5 V6
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 123 mm
    Whole tire height 627 mm (24.7 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 624 cc (0.62 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1970 mm (77.6 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 195—205 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R14—R15
      • Min-max sidewall height: 123—137 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: +7.1%
      • Average wheel height: 629 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.6 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 334 kg / 736 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 32 hp / 24 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 4 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 209 mm;
    Car body width: 1827 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 11%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 400 mm;
    Tire height: 127 mm;
    Wheel height: 654 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 2.0i 16V — 1.4 mm per 1 hp (1.9 mm/kW)
  • 1.8 — 1.4 mm per 1 hp (2 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 GSi 16V — 1.6 mm per 1 hp (2.1 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 — 1.7 mm per 1 hp (2.3 mm/kW)
  • 3.0i V6 GLS — 1.4 mm per 1 hp (1.9 mm/kW)
  • 2.0i GLS — 2.1 mm per 1 hp (2.8 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    2.0i 16V 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    1.8 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    459 cc (0.46 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    2.0 GSi 16V 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    2.0 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    3.0i V6 GLS 205 / 123 mm 627 mm
    (24.7 in)
    743 cc (0.74 L) 1970 mm
    (77.6 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    2.0i GLS 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 2.0i 16V
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 1.8
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 459 cc (0.46 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 GSi 16V
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 2.0
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 3.0i V6 GLS
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 123 mm
    Whole tire height 627 mm (24.7 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 743 cc (0.74 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1970 mm (77.6 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.0i GLS
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 195—205 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R14—R15
      • Min-max sidewall height: 123—137 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: +6.6%
      • Average wheel height: 629 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.6 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 6 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 316 kg / 696 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 31 hp / 23 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 4 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 208 mm;
    Car body width: 1822 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 11%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 396 mm;
    Tire height: 128 mm;
    Wheel height: 652 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 2.0i GLS 16V — 1.4 mm per 1 hp (1.9 mm/kW)
  • 1.8 — 2 mm per 1 hp (2.7 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 GLS — 1.9 mm per 1 hp (2.5 mm/kW)
  • 3.0i GLS V6 — 1.4 mm per 1 hp (1.9 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    2.0i GLS 16V 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    1.8 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    449 cc (0.45 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    2.0 GLS 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    3.0i GLS V6 205 / 123 mm 627 mm
    (24.7 in)
    743 cc (0.74 L) 1970 mm
    (77.6 in)
    820 mm
    (32.3 in)
    Vehicle 2.0i GLS 16V
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 1.8
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 449 cc (0.45 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 GLS
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 3.0i GLS V6
    Tire width / profile height 205 / 123 mm
    Whole tire height 627 mm (24.7 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 743 cc (0.74 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1970 mm (77.6 in)
    Summary tire width 820 mm (32.3 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 195 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R14
      • Min-max sidewall height: 137 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: +8.2%
      • Average wheel height: 629 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.4 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 331 kg / 731 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 35 hp / 26 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 4 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 207 mm;
    Car body width: 1819 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 11%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 395 mm;
    Tire height: 128 mm;
    Wheel height: 651 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 3.0 GLS V6 — 1.3 mm per 1 hp (1.8 mm/kW)
  • 2.0i GLS 16V — 1.5 mm per 1 hp (2 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    3.0 GLS V6 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    743 cc (0.74 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    2.0i GLS 16V 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 3.0 GLS V6
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 743 cc (0.74 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 2.0i GLS 16V
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 185—195 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R14
      • Min-max sidewall height: 130—137 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: +12.8%
      • Average wheel height: 618 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.6 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 308 kg / 680 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 30 hp / 22 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 4 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 205 mm;
    Car body width: 1813 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 11%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 391 mm;
    Tire height: 128 mm;
    Wheel height: 648 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 2.0 i 16V — 1.4 mm per 1 hp (1.9 mm/kW)
  • 1.8 — 1.9 mm per 1 hp (2.6 mm/kW)
  • 2.0 — 1.8 mm per 1 hp (2.5 mm/kW)
  • 2.4 — 1.6 mm per 1 hp (2.2 mm/kW)
  • 3.0 V6 — 1.3 mm per 1 hp (1.8 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    2.0 i 16V 185 / 130 mm 615 mm
    (24.2 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1932 mm
    (76.1 in)
    740 mm
    (29.1 in)
    1.8 185 / 130 mm 615 mm
    (24.2 in)
    449 cc (0.45 L) 1932 mm
    (76.1 in)
    740 mm
    (29.1 in)
    2.0 185 / 130 mm 615 mm
    (24.2 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1932 mm
    (76.1 in)
    740 mm
    (29.1 in)
    2.4 185 / 130 mm 615 mm
    (24.2 in)
    588 cc (0.59 L) 1932 mm
    (76.1 in)
    740 mm
    (29.1 in)
    3.0 V6 195 / 137 mm 629 mm
    (24.8 in)
    743 cc (0.74 L) 1976 mm
    (77.8 in)
    780 mm
    (30.7 in)
    Vehicle 2.0 i 16V
    Tire width / profile height 185 / 130 mm
    Whole tire height 615 mm (24.2 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1932 mm (76.1 in)
    Summary tire width 740 mm (29.1 in)
    Vehicle 1.8
    Tire width / profile height 185 / 130 mm
    Whole tire height 615 mm (24.2 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 449 cc (0.45 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1932 mm (76.1 in)
    Summary tire width 740 mm (29.1 in)
    Vehicle 2.0
    Tire width / profile height 185 / 130 mm
    Whole tire height 615 mm (24.2 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1932 mm (76.1 in)
    Summary tire width 740 mm (29.1 in)
    Vehicle 2.4
    Tire width / profile height 185 / 130 mm
    Whole tire height 615 mm (24.2 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 588 cc (0.59 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1932 mm (76.1 in)
    Summary tire width 740 mm (29.1 in)
    Vehicle 3.0 V6
    Tire width / profile height 195 / 137 mm
    Whole tire height 629 mm (24.8 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 743 cc (0.74 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1976 mm (77.8 in)
    Summary tire width 780 mm (30.7 in)

    Quick notes on Hyundai Sonata tires

      • Min-max tire width: 185 mm
      • Min-max wheel diameter: R14
      • Min-max sidewall height: 130 mm
      • Tire width difference from average: +14.1%
      • Average wheel height: 615 mm
      • Tire width per 1 hp: 1.8 mm / 1 hp
      • Weight per 1 mm of tire width: 7 kg / 1 mm
      • Load to 1 tire: 308 kg / 680 lbs
      • Power to 1 tire: 26 hp / 19 kW
      • Tiremain rating: 4 / 10

    Tire width to car width ratio

  • Average tire width: 204 mm;
    Car body width: 1810 mm;
    Car width to tyre width: 11%;
  • Whole wheel height (in. and mm)

  • Disc height: 389 mm;
    Tire height: 129 mm;
    Wheel height: 647 mm;

    Tire width to power ratio

  • 2.0i — 1.7 mm per 1 hp (2.3 mm/kW)
  • 1.8i — 1.9 mm per 1 hp (2.5 mm/kW)
    Vehicle Tire width / profile height Whole tire height Engine сс to 1 tire Tire circumference Summary tire width
    2.0i 185 / 130 mm 615 mm
    (24.2 in)
    499 cc (0.5 L) 1932 mm
    (76.1 in)
    740 mm
    (29.1 in)
    1.8i 185 / 130 mm 615 mm
    (24.2 in)
    449 cc (0.45 L) 1932 mm
    (76.1 in)
    740 mm
    (29.1 in)
    Vehicle 2.0i
    Tire width / profile height 185 / 130 mm
    Whole tire height 615 mm (24.2 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 499 cc (0.5 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1932 mm (76.1 in)
    Summary tire width 740 mm (29.1 in)
    Vehicle 1.8i
    Tire width / profile height 185 / 130 mm
    Whole tire height 615 mm (24.2 in)
    Engine сс to 1 tire 449 cc (0.45 L)
    Tire circumferencee 1932 mm (76.1 in)
    Summary tire width 740 mm (29.1 in)